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Inter-School Wilanow Rapid Chess Championships

Friday, 08 March 2024
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Edison Primary School to miejsce, gdzie uczniowie mogą odkryć siebie, sprawdzić w czym są dobrzy, co im sprawia radość i nauczyć się jak realnie mogą wpłynąć na to co się wokół nich dzieje.


Edison Primary School to wielkie laboratorium badawcze dające potencjał do doświadczania, tworzenia, przeżywania i testowania.


Edison Primary School to nie tylko szkoła, to społeczność zaangażowanych uczniów, nauczycieli i rodziców, których łączy progresywne myślenie i potrzeba rozwoju.


Edison Primary School to uwrażliwienie na ludzi i świat wokół. To świadomość, że każdy z nas ma wpływ na jego kształtowanie, a jako szkoła dążymy do tworzenia i wspierania inicjatyw realizujących cele zrównoważonego rozwoju z agendy ONZ

Apple Distinguished School (en)

Edison Primary School is proud to announce that it has been recognized as an official Apple Distinguished School. This prestigious designation recognizes exceptional learning environments that effectively integrate technology to enhance learning and creativity. As an Apple Distinguished School, Edison Primary School is acknowledged for its innovative use of technology to support and transform teaching and learning. The school is dedicated to providing students with a cutting-edge education that prepares them for success in the 21st century.

Edison Primary School Portfolio


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An Apple Distinguished School is a recognition given by Apple Inc. to schools that demonstrate innovative use of technology in education. To be considered for this distinction, a school must be an existing Apple Professional Learning provider, and must demonstrate a strong commitmentto using Apple technology in ways that support and enhance learning and teaching.

The selection criteria for the Apple Distinguished School designation include:

•A clear and compelling vision for implementing technology in education
•A robust infrastructure to support the use of Apple technology
•A culture of innovation and professional development
•Evidence of success in using technology to improve learning and teaching
•A commitment to ongoing technology integration
•Once a school is designated as an Apple Distinguished School, they are
eligible to receive various benefits such as access to exclusive
resources, professional development opportunities, and recognition from
Apple. Additionally, Apple Distinguished Schools are expected to share
their best practices and innovations with other educators, through
presentations and workshops.

Overall, an Apple Distinguished School is recognized for its innovative and effective use of technology to support and enhance learning, and for its commitment to ongoing professional development and integration of technology in the curriculum.


Students in an Apple Distinguished School have the opportunity to benefit from the innovative use of technology in their education. Some of the specific benefits they may experience include:

•Access to the latest technology: Apple Distinguished Schools have access to the latest Apple technology, such as iPads, MacBooks, and Apple software, which can be used for learning and teaching in a variety of ways.

•Engaging and interactive learning: Technology can be used to create interactive and engaging learning experiences for students, such as digital textbooks, online simulations, and virtual field trips.

•Personalized learning: Technology can also be used to personalize learning for students, by providing them with individualized instruction, feedback, and resources.

•Collaboration and communication: Technology can facilitate collaboration and communication among students, allowing them to work together on projects, share ideas, and communicate with each other and their teachers in real-time.

•Access to a wealth of resources: Apple Distinguished Schools have access to exclusive resources such as iBooks and other educational content, professional development opportunities, and support from Apple.

•Preparing for the future: the use of technology in education prepares students for the future, as they develop the skills they need to be successful in a digital world.

•Overall, students in an Apple Distinguished School have access to a wide range of technology-based resources that can enhance their learning experiences and help them to be successful in the future.

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Enrolment Procedures

Admissions - Your Gateway to Edison International School

Thank you for considering Edison International School as the next step in your child's educational journey. We understand the importance of choosing the right school, and we're delighted to be your potential choice.
Your First Step - Experience Edison: Trial Days
Experience Edison International School firsthand by joining us for a Trial Day. Our Trial Days are held every Tuesday of the week and offer an opportunity for you and your child to explore our campus and participate in essential entrance exams and interviews.
To schedule your child's Trial Day, please complete the application form found on our website. Once the application form is completed a member of our team will contact you with detailed information regarding the trial day.
Exploring Our Admission Handbook
For a comprehensive overview of our admission process, please consult our Admission Handbook.
The handbook provides detailed information on the steps to admission, application requirements, and relevant deadlines. You can access it by clicking here.
In the Admission Handbook, you'll find:
Admission Requirements: Details on the prerequisites for enrollment.
Application Process: A step-by-step guide to applying to Edison International School.
Entrance Exams and Interviews: Information on the assessment process.
Important Dates: Key application deadlines and important events.
By reviewing the Admission Handbook, you'll gain a thorough understanding of our admission process and requirements.
Ready to Explore?
We invite you to explore our website to learn more about Edison International School and our commitment to providing a nurturing and inclusive learning environment. Discover
the journey your child can embark on with us.
If you have any questions, require additional information, or wish to initiate the admission process, please reach out to our Admissions Office at [Admissions Office Email]. We are here to guide and support you throughout the admission process.

Thank you for considering Edison International School as your child's educational partner. We look forward to the possibility of welcoming your family into our dynamic community.


Na temat mundurków szkolnych istnieje wiele poglądów. Nie da się jednak podważyć, że najlepsze szkoły na świecie nieodmiennie je stosują. Wynika to z co najmniej kilku przyczyn:

  • mundurki wspomagają budowanie tożsamości szkoły i poczucie wspólnoty wśród całej szkolnej społeczności;
  • działania wykonywane przez uczniów w mundurkach, przestają być anonimowe – nawet poza społecznością samej szkoły;
  • mundurki są neutralne kulturowo i społecznie – nie obrażają uczuć innych, nie pozwalają na ocenianie innych po ich sytuacji finansowej;
  • mundurki zniechęcają do budowania poczucia własnej wartości na bazie „tego co mam”;
  • w sytuacjach gdy dzieci przebywają w miejscach publicznych, mundurki umożliwiają łatwe zauważenie ich przez opiekunów, co zwiększa ogólne bezpieczeństwo;
  • mundurki są praktyczne, eleganckie i wygodne.

Mundurek w szkole Edison występuje w wersji:

  • galowej – obowiązującej w trakcie uroczystości i wyjątkowych wydarzeń w życiu szkoły;
  • codziennej – obowiązujący w szkole na co dzień;
  • sportowej – obowiązującej na zajęciach WF.

Zakup mundurka jest osobno płatny, a Szkoła pośredniczy w jego zamawianiu. Odbywa się to najczęściej dwa razy do roku. W sprawie zakupu szkolnych mundurków zapraszamy do kontaktu z producentem: Prosty Krój

Our partners


BritishCouncil   Prep centre logo RGB
 uw   logo sggw wns2   glotispol 
  logo   matdance  
    FURO logo czarne   DI Logo Full Color CMYK 

Fundusze Europejskie

Uprzejmie informujemy, iż firma Agnieszka Olszewska Magic Fish , Szkoła Edison Agnieszka Olszewska realizowała w okresie od 01.08.2020 do 31.10.2020 projekt nr POIR.03.04.00-14-0879/20-00, współfinansowany z Europejskiego Funduszu Rozwoju Regionalnego w ramach Programu Operacyjnego Inteligentny Rozwój 2014-2020.
Kwota dotacji:  104 362,17 zł (słownie: sto cztery tysiące trzysta sześćdziesiąt dwa złote 17/100)















Egzaminy (Cambridge)

szkola podstawowa edison british council

Testy Cambridge English: Young Learners (YLE) stworzono po to, by móc ocenić to, w jakim stopniu dzieci między 7 a 12 rokiem życia opanowały język angielski.

Polsko-Angielska Szkoła Edison jest placówką partnerską British Council. Egzaminy odbywają się w naszej szkole dla uczniów klas 3 i 6.




At Edison Primary School, our principle mission is to create a forward-thinking academic environment that prepares students for the 21st century with a strong focus on their moral, and social development. Through integrated technology and student individualization we aim to nurture independent and broad-minded global citizens who possess the qualities of innovation and leadership to effect positive change in both their local and international communities. We offer an inclusive education that provides support and encouragement to gifted and talented students and those with unique educational needs alike.



Our staff is an international, qualified team of educators among others from Poland, Canada, the United States or India. Our teachers are distinguished not only by their knowledge and skills, but also by their high personal culture and enormous passion that they share with students every day.